
Huascaran Mountain Bike Epic – Stage Race


Taking place in one of the highest and most impressive mountain ranges in the Americas, the HUASCARAN MTB EPIC is Peru’s most distinguished & challenging MTB stage race. Inspired by an internationally celebrated bike-touring route across landscapes so breathtaking that you quickly understand why the peaks are considered to be gods in local legends. Three adventure-filled days with one full-service camp in between, circumnavigating the highest tropical mountain in the world – Huascaran – combining great riding on gravel roads, singletracks & pavement into one gigantic adventure.

  • Reviews 0 Reviews
  • Vacation Style Holiday Type
      Camping, Cycling
    • Activity Level Strenuous
    • Group Size Large Group
    Tell me about the Huascaran Mountain Bike Epic – Stage Race.

    The story is that of a young mortal boy who fell in love with the daughter of Inti, the powerful god of the sun. Inti would not allow his daughter, a goddess, to marry a mortal so he turned them both into giant mountains and separated them with a wide and deep ravine, covering them in ice to calm their passion. And as such the two have remained for centuries, Huascarán and Huandoy, their tears forming rivers and lakes & continually trying to free themselves from their prisons with strong tremors & giant avalanches so they may once again be together.

    It’s a journey outside & in of colossal proportion. It’s an adventure, a challenge, a lesson and a reminder. It’s you, your bike, & your world.

    This is mountain biking in its full & true essence. Mountains (big ones!) and a bike. The passes are high, the weather is that of the alpine – you can go from soaking in a sunny day, to getting hailed on, to getting blown around by the wind, maybe some snow or rain and then perfect calm all over again, all within the hour. Temperatures inside and out are all over the scale. The days are long and the route is remote, and you might find a sheep or bull or any number of other animals in your path around any turn. You’ll ride on gravel, on trails and on pavement. You may need to push or stick your bike on your shoulders at times. You’ll probably squeal in delight or tear up from a view that transports you to another dimension, at least one if not most of the time!

    The biggest thing you can do is prepare for an adventure. A lot happens on these kinds of journeys, and if you come prepared to embrace wildness, it will definitely hug right back!

    Dates & Prices
    Open-Enrollment Program DatesDepartures confirm when minimum group size is reached

    May 13-15, 2022

    $300 USD basic package



    Write us at: info@skyline-adventures.com for more information or a price quote for additional services.

    Difficulty of Climbs and Expedition LengthGet in touch for specific questions about routes

    Difficulty: strenuous

    Event length: 3 days

    Total nights in the mountains: 2

    1. Day 1 Race Begins!
      The race begins at Laguna Chinancocha beach, Llanganuco Lakes, Yungay district at 8:30 a.m.
      The route follows a serpentine gravel & dirt road, passing the two large Llanganuco Lakes and climbing approximately 1350 meters of altitude in 20 km to the Portachuelo pass, winding upwards beneath the glaciated peaks of Huandoy, Huascarán, Pisco, Chopicalqui and Chacraraju.  From the Portachuelo pass at 4769m the road begins a long descent to the populated area of ​​Vaqueria and eventually Yanama in the Callejón de Conchucos, with several steep singletrack sections along the way.
      Riders continue the battle up the last climb of the day, approximately 8 kilometers more to reach the Pupash pass at 4050m.  The decent from the pass is a mix of dirt road and singletracks until reaching the finish line in the Wecroncocha camp.


    2. Day 2 Ridge Loop

      A 20 km loop takes you on an amusement park style adventure ride contouring a water canal line high on a ridge through the Andean countryside.  These are the views of this magical part of the world that you may have seen in picture books, but you certainly have never experienced, and definitely not like this!  Don’t get too distracted with the scenery because the trail is skinny and the valley floor is a LONG WAY DOWN!

    3. Day 3 Final Push!
      Stage 3 departs from the campsite in Wecroncocha at 8:30am with a 20 km dirt road descent, passing through the quiet village of Sapcha which preceeds a mild section of singletrack.  Upon arrival in Acochaca, the road turns to pavement and a 12 km gentle climb towards the Jambón/Chacas intersection  begins the day’s uphill battle.
      You’ll veer off towards Viscas on dirt roads once again and eventually take singletracks to bypass Chacas and hit the final aid station in Huallín prior to the climb to the sky.  Riders will dig deep for the final 20km climb to the highest tunnel in the world at Punta Olímpica(4736m).
      Beyond the tunnel a long, winding paved descent connecting to some fun, technical singletracks eventually leads to the city of Carhuaz 47 kilometers below.


    Enrollment, Payment & Cancellation Information.

    Every competitor should read the rules and logistical considerations detailed on the race webpage page (link) prior to the event to assure his/her understanding of the format of the race and his/her responsibilities. The organization will review these rules in the technical meeting the day before the event and will NOT permit any exceptions, particularly any lack of preparation on the part of the competitors with any of the details provided here.

    Enrollment, Payment and Cancellation is online via the race webpage (link here).

    Services Included / Not Included in Package Price.
    Services Included:
    • Competitor’s Kit:
    • Logistical Services during the Event:
    • Sweep car to transport participants to the final destination each day (in case of abandonment or disqualification for exceeding set time limits.
    • Control & Provision posts with water, rehydration beverages, food, shelter, first aid. (Certain stations will have oxygen and resupply bags of participants)
    • Transport of camping equipment from Huaraz to camp (day 1) and camp to Carhuaz (day 2)
    • Ambulance & Police support along the route
    • Logistical Services at Camp:
    • Sheltered eating area with tables and chair, sound system, and light
    • Espresso machine
    • Bathrooms (chemical and pit toilets) & cleaning area
    • Medical tent with attention from a registered nurse
    • Massage Services (certified practitioners) **
    • Bike Mechanical Services and Wash/Lube **
    • Services with asterixes have additional associated costs **
    • Food & Water:
    • Day 1: Snack upon arrival to camp, Lunch, Dinner, Coffee, Beer
    • Day 2: Breakfast, Snack upon arrival to race finish
    • Complementary Hydration at Control & Provision Posts and Camp
    • Finisher’s Medal
    • Prize Ceremony for the first 3 finishers in each category (categories officially open with a minimum of 5 participants or duos). Cash prizes for first 2 finishers in all officially open Elite
    Services Not Included:
    • Logistical or Transportation services prior to the race start or after the race finish
    • Transport to Race Start or from Race
    • Accommodation before or after the Event
    • Any food not mentioned above (including breakfast day 1 & lunch on day 2)
    • Any parts or mechanical work on bicycle
    • Massages (priced per minute)
    • Clothing for race or camp
    • Sleeping Tent, Sleeping Bag, Mattress for camp
    • Personal camping equipment (headlamp, hygiene kit, etc)
    • Services for Accompanying guests of racers (camp package available for them)
    • Any extra costs associated with evacuations or abandonments requiring additional transportation, Medical services beyond what the race personnel provide, any services NOT mentioned above as included
    1. Temperature / Climate

      Between the months of May and September, Peru experiences their dry season. During these months, the climate stays surprisingly stable and predictable. In Huaraz, you can expect temperatures between 40º F (0º C) at night and 70 º F (20º C) during the day, with occasional rain. In the mountains and at higher altitude, it will be colder.

    2. Altitude

      Huaraz is located at 3100 meters (approx. 11,000 feet) above sea level. Most people who arrive from lower elevations experience some shortness of breath, dizziness, insomnia, and a loss of appetite as their bodies adjust during the first few days. All of our guided trips and courses allow for proper acclimatization prior to ascending to high altitudes. For more information, check www.high-altitude-medicine.com.

    3. Physical Fitness

      It’s important to be prepared for this event as the check-points have time-limits which you must keep within or you will not be able to continue with the race.  If you are looking for a more relaxing and less physically demanding cycling activity, consider a tour perhaps instead of a race event.

    4. Group Sizes

      The race will run with a minimum of 70 participants.  The maximum number of participants is set by the park, and while subject to change is not more than 500.

    5. Health & Vaccines

      Check with your doctor regarding what vaccines are currently being recommended for travelers that are headed to Peru.

      Note – Huaraz is located in the mountainous region of Peru, above 3000 meters where very few vaccinations are actually applicable.   If you do not plan on traveling to the coast or the Amazon before or after your trip, you may choose to avoid vaccines all together. Staying healthy while you are in Peru mostly involves drinking bottled water, eating at quality restaurants, and washing your hands frequently.

    6. Money

      Traveling with large amounts of cash is not recommended. In Huaraz, there are several ATM machines which accept debit cards and more and more you can purchase goods and services with Visa and MasterCard. While in the wilderness, all of your expenses are covered, however, you will be responsible for your in-town meals & entertainment, gift buying and any ’extra’ activities you may choose to partake in.

    7. Spanish

      As few Peruvians speak English, it will only enhance your experience in the country to understand a few Spanish words and try to communicate with the local people. You can study up at home before your trip, bring along a dictionary and learn a little as you go, or take a Spanish class while you are here in Huaraz! As a reassurance, many people travel in Peru without Spanish skills and get by. You can expect an English speaking staff person to help you with the language barrier during your time in Huaraz, so don’t let this discourage you.

    8. Safety

      In the last 15 years, Peru has made remarkable progress in becoming a stable and friendly place for all visitors. As a traveler, however, you will attract attention. You should be alert at all times, watch your luggage and keep your valuable items (cameras, wallets, music) on your person and as discreet as possible. You don’t want to wander around alone at night, and make sure to keep your important documents, cards, and cash with you or stored in a secure place.

    9. Getting to/from Huaraz

      For reliable, safe and comfortable transport between Lima and Huaraz, we recommend the following companies: Exclusiva, Movil Tours, Cruz del Sur, Oltursa.  The bus trip takes approximately 8 hours, the flight is 1 hour & a private car takes between 6-7 hours. The busses will carry bicycles well-packed in boxes or bike bags for a small fee (approx. $10 USD).

      For private transfer requests, we can provide vans with racks that carry up to 10 bicycles or cars that can fit racks that either you provide or we rent. Cars can take 1-3 passengers with luggage and bicycles.

    10. How to get to the Race start and back from the finish?

      It’s not complicated to get to the race start or back to Huaraz from the race finish.  Huaraz has a plethora of turistic transport services.  Any tour agency in the city will be able to organize you a vehicle, most hotels as well will have their connections with cars and vans.  Most vehicles will not have bike racks so you should either bring your own or plan to fit your bikes inside (calculate passenger numbers based upon how many bikes will fit).  The station wagon taxis will fit 2-3 bikes inside and if you share a van you can ask that the back seats be taken out in order to fit more bikes.

      The race start at Llanganuco is 2-2.5 hours from Huaraz, all drivers will know where it is.  Tell them you are going to the parking area by the first lake (where all the bus tours go).  You should be to Llanganuco by 7:30am, the race starts punctually at 8:30am.  The event finish is in the city of Carhuaz, approximately 45 minutes from Huaraz.  There are innumerable taxi options that you can grab right off the street or you can arrange for the same vehicle that dropped you off to pick you up again.  The prize ceremony finishes around 4:30pm that afternoon.

    11. Recommended Clothing & Equipment

      EACH CYCLIST: (these items should be carried throughout the entire race)

      • Mountain bike in good, working condition
      • Helmet (on head) at all times while riding during the event
      • Water & Food as deemed necessary for each participant
      • 1 replacement tire tube per person
      • Long sleeved Windbreaker or Rain Jacket
      • Headlamp or Handlebar light (for day 2)

      EACH TEAM:

      • Basic tools (chain cutter, hex set, tire lever, patch kit for tubes)
      • Tire pump or CO2 cartridges
      • Basic first aid kit containing at least:
        • 1 pair of medical gloves
        • Gauze squares
        • 1 ace bandage
        • 1 roll of athletic tape


      • Warm Clothing
      • Sleeping Bag
      • Camp mattress
      • Tent
      • Headlamp


      • Down or synthetic jacket
      • Fleece top/bottoms
      • Sunblock
      • Sunglasses
    12. What are the race regulations?

      Please visit the race website and read through all regulations!

    Overall Rating