Cancellation Policies

If Skyline Adventures cancels a trip or course, you will be reimbursed 100% of your payment, including your entire deposit, excluding situations outlined in the Force Majeure section of the application. You will be alerted in no less then 14 days from the departure date in the event that the trip or course is not going to run. Trips that have been custom priced for less than 3 participants and confirmed by Skyline Adventures will not be cancelled for low enrollment reasons and the deposit is non-refundable should YOU remove yourself from the trip/course. If YOU cancel a trip or course for any reason, your entire deposit will be withheld by Skyline Adventures. Any cancellations made greater than 6 weeks from a trip start date will receive full reimbursement of any payment made over the deposit. For cancellations within 6 weeks, we reserve the right to retain payments in full with no reimbursement.